Muscle mass or size of all muscles in the body. Divided into 3 types: skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, and cardiac muscle. Muscle is important to the body in many ways, such as helping to support the body’s structure. Or help the body’s energy metabolism system work better.
However, naturally after starting to reach the age of 30, the body’s muscle mass will gradually decrease by 3–8% every 10 years, especially in the age group after 60 years. This will result in a risk of The occurrence of muscle deficiency ( Sarcopenia ) can occur.

Loss of muscle mass is one of the most common causes of falls. accident and physical frailty in the elderly This can lead to physical injury. Or in serious cases, it can cause various organs to be disabl.
This โปรโมชั่น ufabet has collected various information about muscle mass that elderly people should know. Both the importance of muscle mass and ways to increase muscle safely for you to study and try to follow.
Sarcopenia and muscle breakdown symptoms (Rhabdomyolysis) will cause the strength of the muscles in the body to decrease. As a result, physical performance deteriorates. It can be cause by many factors. which is something you should know To be careful or avoid this risk. With a method that can be done by yourself starting now. And when the time comes to enter the elderly period You will not have to worry about deterioration of the body that causes muscle mass to decrease.
When you start to enter the elderly age of 40 years and above, your physical condition will gradually deteriorate. Therefore, you should pay more attention to eating nutritious foods and helping to strengthen your muscles. What is indispensable is protein. You should focus on eating foods that are high in protein, easily digested, and contain vitamins and antioxidants.
Each meal should contain the following essential nutrients: protein, vitamins, iron, and zinc. Which are found in many foods such as meat, sea fish, eggs, milk, vegetables, fruits, etc., so that the body receives nutrients fully. Enough to build new muscle mass so that the body remains healthy.
Exercise to increase muscle mass is important at any age. But you must choose one that is appropriate for your age as well. Exercising at the right level helps build muscle mass. But on the other hand, if you exercise too hard, It may become a negative effect. muscle breakdown You can get even more. and can have an adverse effect, causing various acute dangers as well.